Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Lua and ExecuteScript in NiFi (revisited)

I recently fielded a question about using Lua (actually, LuaJ) in NiFi's ExecuteScript processor to manipulate flow files. I had written a basic article on using LuaJ with ExecuteScript, but that example only shows how to create new flow files, it does not address accepting incoming flow files or manipulating the data.

To rectify that I answered the question with the following example script:

flowFile = session:get()
if flowFile == nil then

local writecb =
luajava.createProxy("org.apache.nifi.processor.io.StreamCallback", {
    process = function(inputStream, outputStream)
      local isr = luajava.newInstance('java.io.InputStreamReader', inputStream)
      local br = luajava.newInstance('java.io.BufferedReader', isr)
      local line = br:readLine()
      while line ~= nil do
         -- Do stuff to each line here
         line = br:readLine()
         if line ~= nil then
flowFile = session:putAttribute(flowFile, "lua.attrib", "my attribute value")
flowFile = session:write(flowFile, writecb)
session:transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)

Readers of my last LuaJ post will recognize the approach, using luajava.createProxy() to basically create an anonymous class instance of a NiFi Callback class, then providing (aka "overriding") the requisite interface method (in this case, the "process" method).

The first difference here is that I'm using the StreamCallback class instead of the OutputStreamCallback class in my previous example. You may recall that OutputStreamCallback only allows you to write to a flow file, whereas StreamCallback is for overwriting existing flow file content, by making both the input stream of the current version of the flow file, as well as the output stream for the next version of the flow file, available in the process() method.

You may also recall that often my scripting examples use Apache Commons' IOUtils class to read the
entire flow file content in as a string, then manipulate it after the fact. However LuaJ has a bug where it only uses the system classloader and thus won't have access to the additional classes provided to the scripting NAR.  So for this example I am wrapping the incoming InputStream in an InputStreamReader, then a BufferedReader so I can proceed line-by-line.  I reverse each line, and if there are lines remaining, I add the newline back to the output stream.

If you are simply reading in the content of a flow file, and won't be overwriting that flow file content, you can use InputStreamCallback instead of StreamCallback. InputStreamCallback's process() method gives you only the input stream of the incoming flow file. Some people use a session.read() with an InputStreamCallback to handle the incoming flow file(s), then later use a session.write() with an OutputStreamCallback, rather than a single session.write() with a StreamCallback as is shown above. The common use case for the alternate approach is for when you send the original flow file to an "original" relationship, but also write out new flow files based on the content of the incoming one(s). Many "Split" processors do this.

Anyway, I hope this example is informative and shows how to use Lua scripting in NiFi to perform custom logic.  As always, I welcome all comments, questions, and suggestions.  Cheers!

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